
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stranger things have happened at sea

Monday evening I was feeling a bit low, long story but I am sure one day I will get around to mentioning it all to you, but as for now, It just seemed to be one of those weeks.Late evening I jumped on to my emails to just check, I wonder if I am the only one in the world who does that, just checks in case some miraculously fantastic event  has arrive in my mail box between dusk and dawn, well am I??????.
daaaaa raaaaaa it had, all those times of 'just checking' had  been worth the late night stares my miraculous fantastic came to fruition.
There was a e mail in my box with the heading " INVITATION TO EXHIBIT" 
This is what it said.
We have been on your website and are very impressed with the high
caliber, outstanding quality,and wonderful mix
your art offers. Your art is the reason we are contacting you.

ArtMonaco is the only contemporary art show of the Cote d'Azur held at
the Grimaldi Forum, the most prestigious convention center.
Galleries and artists participate by invitation exclusively.
I would like to extend a cordial invitation to you so that you can participate.

ArtMonaco reached 27,000,000 people, in 52 countries last year.
The best galleries and art collectors worldwide attended.

Now ! although this is what I have been waiting for with my moonlight email checks, something about it did not ring true to me. ME THEY PICKED ME!!!! no MIke ( my husband) you need to check this out I bet it's a scam. So poor Mike religiously does search after search on the net every thing seemed to be fine, but I am still saying me! why me! until we gave up looking for incriminating evidence of scams and sat down to have a last cup of tea (water for me ) before bed. when out of the blue on sky adverts came a whopping big, long advert  for ARTMONACO 011
well I'm blowed!! speechless, looks like they do want me after all!!!!!!!!!. HOW FANTASTIC!
What a boost to the old confidence I have rarely felt so excited and yet in such denial at the same time. Please forgive me if I am going on but just now and again one gets the feeling that people are actually  looking at what you are painting and this is one of those moments. 
Any way to end this mammoth tale I emailed them back saying just how grateful I was for their invitation but unfortunately I would not be going due to lack of funds. I know a bummer !!! But I received a lovely reply saying that they were sorry I could not attend but they would leave a place open for me for next year soooooooo MONACO HERE I COME 2012 best start dieting and saving.

Added my latest promo video to this blog hope you enjoy it. or pop on to my web site and take a look

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Looking for the excitement and the thrill

I have provisionally book my self for the Kilkenny art fair in August 2011. I am really excited but also a touch nervous, not having done this kind of art fair before. Life is far too short and I think it is about time I took the bull by the horns and attempted something unnerving and scary.
I am also taking part in the R.D.S. art fair Dublin. Did this last year and I was buzzing for weeks after. It was the best thing I could have done meeting people, hearing comments. Taking on board peoples feeling about my art was so brilliant. I just wanted to dance all week, If it had not been for the fact that we had no money and we were eating McDonalds for the week I think I would have been dancing (I got too heavy with all the burgers)
     Painting can be such a lonely "job" I have put job in brackets as I feel I am so lucky to be able to do something that I love so much and "sometimes" get paid for it. If we all had a job that we loved as much as I love painting then the world would be a much better place. I digress, I was saying lonely, as I spend most of my day in my studio painting, I don't come out much and don't really see Mike much when I am working. I think what I am trying to say is that I loose touch with reality I loose touch with the reality of trying to make my paintings a business. I have just had a wonderful conversation with an arts officer about the need, and she stressed need, to put time aside for paper work and computer thingies. Thingies being the operative word. I sort off pass the buck and ask Mike to take on these type of "thingies" as you may guess, I'm not the best at them. May be I am a bit late but I think a new years resolution is on the card to start to believe that my art could be a business and a good one at that and take the time to develop my sites as well as I have tried to do with my painting. May be it's time for the "thingies" to get a name???????

I would love you to have a look at my web site just click on the link