
Sunday, October 31, 2010

R.D.S. Dublin Art Fair

The time has arrived for the R.D.S.Dublin Art Fair. For the first time I am taking part ,Site N4, I would dearly love to have people come and see my work in the flesh as it were, But mostly I would love to have people come to me and say Ive seen your work and I like it or dislike it , Feed back is such a desperatley important piece of information in the art game. Or we could just have a chat .
Really looking forward to it but with a touch of trepidation, fear of the unknown, I will thoroughly enjoy meeting new faces and  checking out all the differing styles and methods of art. Anyway will meet you there I hope I will give feed back probably after a week or two, need time to recoup and recharge the batteries.
Speak soon
Angela x